Saturday, January 3, 2009

the new year

New years eve was really nice this year. I hung out with a couple of friends, watched movies that had to do with new years, filled my face with Chinese food MMMMMMMMM. We slept over, it's more fun that way and it just isn't worth going home at 1 or 2 in the morning.

I know some people get very excited about the new year and what it will bring. I think i was one of those people at one time and i want to be one of them again, I just seem to be having a hard time feeling positive about the beginning of a new year. Maybe it's the catholic in me you know waiting for doom to arrive. Of the last two years did not have such a great start. I try to be positive and for the most part i am able to find joy in the smallest most simple things it just gets hard sometimes.

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