Sunday, January 25, 2009

snow snow everywhere

hi y'all,

Well we seem to have plenty of snow a little too much if you ask me. I just realized this year that i am the worst shoveler of snow ever!!! I don't know how this happened but i just never seem to know where to put the snow once it is on my shovel. I look at other peoples walk ways and cars they have nice neat paths mine is always a hot mess. My 75 year old mother shovels better than i do.

Well i seem to have made to my computer while in a good mood. I noticed the nicest thing while looking out of the trolley window on my ride home the other day. Have you ever noticed that a couple of days after snow has fallen it always sparkles on the surface ? well it does and it is one of the prettiest things i think i have seen in a while. I also seem to be having flash back memories from when i was a kid. I remember always looking out at my yard and thinking that the snow looked like frosting on a cake and that the trees and picnic table were decorations made of candy. I think i may of had a sugar addiction! I have always had a vivid imagination.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I haven't been on here much and there is a reason for that. My mom always says " if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all" I don't want to be a downer or nasty . i have had some nice things to say at different times but by the time i get to my computer all those happy things poof gone. hopefully this will past because i have done some fun things that i want to write about. i just want to write them while in a good mood, so i can do them justice.

Sunday, January 11, 2009


My birthday was yesterday I turned 36. At my job we celebrated my birthday on Friday I got two very nice cards a really yummy cupcake from the bakery down the street, and a flower. It is a custom for our boss to give us a flower on our birthday. mine is very pretty.
My mom cooked a special dinner for me on Friday we had her chicken cutlets made from scratch, Delmonico potato's ( very cheesy ) and green beans with almonds and of course a lemon cake MMMMMMM. My brother gave me a 30 dollar gift card to old navy, my mom gave me a turtle necklace, fuzzy gloves, hello kitty knee socks, and some nice lip balm.
Saturday, the day of my actual birthday, I actually ran a lot of errands blah, but that's o.k because i went to a party that night. Now it wasn't an actual birthday party it was a post Christmas party ( it was originally planned on a day that had a storm ) I got to have disaster cake and a friend ( who couldn't be there) sent along a pretty candle that we used when i was sang too. Oh, and there was a group of my friends moms friends there and they kept telling me how young i looked and what nice skin i had so that was nice. I had some wine whoo hoo and OMG there was so much yummmy yummy food there!
so even though i have not been in the best of moods lately ( and my family bickered all through my special dinner) I did all in all have a nice birthday :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

the new year

New years eve was really nice this year. I hung out with a couple of friends, watched movies that had to do with new years, filled my face with Chinese food MMMMMMMMM. We slept over, it's more fun that way and it just isn't worth going home at 1 or 2 in the morning.

I know some people get very excited about the new year and what it will bring. I think i was one of those people at one time and i want to be one of them again, I just seem to be having a hard time feeling positive about the beginning of a new year. Maybe it's the catholic in me you know waiting for doom to arrive. Of the last two years did not have such a great start. I try to be positive and for the most part i am able to find joy in the smallest most simple things it just gets hard sometimes.