Saturday, November 8, 2008

good choices

well i have decided that i need to start making good choices about what i eat. i am in a few high risk groups for things like diabetes and heart Diseases. i have tried a couple of times over the past several months to be more mindful about my eating but i didn't do so well. I heard about a web site called and thought i would check it out. It is a really cool web site you type in what you have eaten for the day and it adds up all of the calories and nutrients for you, you set goals for yourself, keep track of exercise. there are forums, blogs, food databases, resources, you get daily tips and advice. They will even generate a bar graph of calories, minerals, and nutrients that you have consumed if you want. for the time being i am really have a good time looking up stuff and seeing what i am taking in using this site. They have a 7 day free trial and it only cost $50.00 dollars for the whole year. Unlike other diets this site doesn't tell you to omit certain food groups it is based on the food pyramid and it just guides you in the right direction. I am hopeful that i will be able to stick with this long enough to get in the swing of things.

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