Tuesday, March 10, 2009

hospitals suck

yup i hate hospitals. I think that most people do. I don't like the way they smell, the confusing hallways and maps, I really don't like being a patient in one. doctors, sometimes they suck too. Why do some of them minimize your feelings about a diagnoses like it is no big deal, or the discomfort you may feel before or after certain tests or procedures. For them it's no big deal because they do these things all the time, there not the ones being poked and prodded but for the patient it can be very scary or uncomfortable.

o.k just wanted to get that off my chest.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Yes, I totally agree. Hospitals are terrible. They need some nice scent piped in. Something calming. They smell...SCARY! Even when I went to visit my cousin's new baby...scary! Hang in there it will be over and done before you know it! Can't wait to see you. We all need a shopping trip...or a browsing trip...or just a hang out and don't spend money trip. SOMETHING! Miss you. Be well Dawna Belle.